Monday 17 November 2014

Studio Photography

Here are some images taken my me and my small group of 4. We just had a play in the studio with the camera and the lighting to see what effects we could get out of them in preparation for the photo shoot for Helen Moore that we will be doing in the near future.

The following images were taken as a group.

I really love this image. The lighting is really elegant I think, I am not sure how it would look against a human form, there may be too much shadow but in this particular image I really like how it looks against the simple background.

I really love this image, I think it is perfectly over-exposed. You can tell it is the human form but the face looks non-existent so it almost looks like the hair and shirt are just there and not on a person.   

The following images were just taken myself.

I love how in this image, it looks as though Alex (right) is a shadow so I could almost be Kristy's shadow but the arms and legs are held in a different position making it look quite spooky, almost.

This is my favourite of the under-exposed images, I was pleased I caught Kristy jumping mid-air and I think the lighting in this is really moody and I think I would really like to use it in future shoots, not necessarily for Helen Moore but definitely for another upcoming project. 

This was a really fun session, messing around with the different settings on the cameras and on the lighting, not necessarily aiming for a 'perfect image' but just looking for what would happen if I did this and what would happen if I did that. I think that using trial and error for capturing these images, you can come across a really great effect by accident that you may not have come across before. 

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