Wednesday 8 October 2014


What makes a successful fashion blog?
I think there is lots of ways in which a fashion blog could become successful; the writing, styled and interesting images, relevant information, a good eye for colour and shape, and a passion. I think it takes a certain kind of person, someone who is committed and will be consistent with adding posts, someone who knows, at least a bit of, what they are talking about, so readers can gain information and opinions from them, someone who cares about what they put out there, taking time to think about what they are going to say and makes an effort to add relevant images to help illustrate what they are trying to say, or if the images are the main focus of the post, thought-out text to go with them, and lastly someone who has a likable personality; I really think that if someone has a really like personality, readers are going to come back to read what they say time and time again as their personality will come out in what they write, no one wants to read a blog from someone that sound uninspired, boring, or angry, etc.
Some of the bloggers already out there that are really successful are people like Zoella, who has a hugely popular style and beauty blog which links to her YouTube channel, she seems to be an inspiration to so many young girls and I think the young teen market is definitely her niche and she is really on point with it, enabling her to now create her own book and beauty range. People like Tavi Gevinson who started off writing her blog stylerookie when she was in her very early teens and continued it for years, eventually producing her own magazine 'Rookie' and she know writes from the website, she seems to have been so committed over the years to continue with her blogging the way she has and she now has a huge readership and fan base.

Some of the bloggers that I really like and whose blogs I go back to again and again are...
Mary - itsanothergirlslife - A.K.A - Mary... She writes about fashion and beauty and works in the industry so you get to hear a lot about behind the scenes features, reviews and opinions on products, garments and brands that she works with. She also has a YouTube channel in which she does video reviews, tutorials on makeup, outfit of the days and lookbooks, behind the scenes footage of catwalk shows, etc. I find her to be really down to earth and honest and I think that is why she is becoming more and more successful as she shares truthfully about her life and what it is like to work in her part of the industry.

Fleur De Force's Fashion Week Essentials With Neutrogena
Fleur - fleurdeforce A.K.A - Fleur... She is another British fashion and beauty blogger whose blog and YouTube channel are both extremely popular. She started her channel in 2009 so over 5 years ago now and her subscribers have grown and grown. She has a view count of over 130 000 000 combined for her blog and YouTube channels. She videos beauty tutorials, outfit of the day videos, lookbooks, footage of trips she takes for events, etc., best products to buy on a budget and if you are willing to spend a few more pounds, it goes on. She really had a huge range posts and videos that are accessible to both genders and a varied age range.

Sammi - beautycrush A.K.A. - Sammi... She is a British blogger and you tuber, but she mostly focuses on her blog. She is a 25 year old styling graduate living in London. She also started to blog and film in 2009 so she has been doing it for over 5 years and has gained a huge following in the meantime. She writes mostly about fashion and does a lot of styling posts and videos. She shows different takes on trends of the season which is one of the reasons I think she is so popular and she mixes in her own style alongside the major trends and this, I think, is really inspirational for her viewers and they know they can always come back to her blog or channel to see what her take will be on a certain trend. She also writes about art, tattoos, work, events, food and living in London, to mix up her content.

Suzi - stylesuzi A.K.A - Suzi... Yet another British fashion blogger and youtuber. She creates posts on outfit of the days and outfit inspiration, hauls (showing collections of things she has bought showing a selection of things that are available on the high street at that moment), favourite garments, beauty products and accessories found on the high street, she creates video tutorials of hour to recreate certain hair and makeup looks that are on trend at the moment, 'follow me around' videos and blog posts in which she goes to events and records backstage footage and she writes some posts that are just personal chat like answering questions that she get asked when requested from followers over twitter, instagram, facebook, youtube and her blog.

Bunny - Graveyardgirl A.K.A - Bunny... I thought I would include and international blogger into the mix and I decided on Bunny as she is very unique from a lot of other bloggers out there. She is very confident in her style and is really passionate about shopping in thrift stores so creates a lot of blog posts on what she has picked up at really low prices, most of these items are of a pretty high quality as well, e.g - lots of leather goods, vintage dresses and shirts, etc. She also shops for furniture items in the same way, which she also documents on her blog. It is really interesting to see what she has picked up and how she will incorporate it into a new outfit but without spending a fortune.

All of the bloggers I have mentioned have a huge following and each not only have a hugely successful blog but a brilliantly popular youtube channel/s to go along side it, creating an even bigger readership. Each also are connected to the majority of the most popular social networking sites; facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest, tumblr, google+, this again gains them more views and more readers as they can promote themselves more by just posting on these sites. I think each and every one of these bloggers are really inspirational as all have worked their way up from scratch and become really popular due to putting in the hard work.
The audience of the bloggers that I have mentioned would mostly range from around age 10 right through to late 20's as they are pretty young themselves and so want to appeal to an audience of the same or similar age range. As they all get older however, their audience age range would change as they would dress for their age, meaning the people that followed them from the beginning would keep benefiting from them throughout the years.